It has been nearly two months that I tried to come back to full time work. I almost managed to comeback but somehow, it was not enough. Sometimes, it is quite frustrating and I wish that it happens very quickly. I am hopeful that I can really start working fulltime from the new-year or from next week. The most important lesson that I have learned is that it is very difficult to make a real comeback to full time work after a long absence. I’m doing a lot of soul searching and trying to find a right strategy in this regard. Anyway, I’m going to talk about some tips that may be helpful for you if you are suffering from same kind of problem like me.
Be slow but be consistent: When you are trying to make a comeback at first, it will be very difficult to maintain consistency. I am still finding it very difficult. So, it is better that you try to be slow for the first few weeks or a few months. In fact, sometimes, I feel going back to full time work very overwhelming because I do not have any habit for a long time. So, what I’m trying to do is to work less amount of time but work every day. You can give it a try.
Don’t Get Upset from setbacks: In life, suffering from setbacks is very natural. When you are trying to come back to full time work then be sure that you will suffer even more setbacks. Just try to take it easy and do not get upset. Do not put any stress or pressure for it on your mind. Just remember that at the end of the day you do not have any other choice but to come back to your work. If you are still young like me then you really have no choice. So take it easy and do not get upset.
Hobby is not a waste of Time: I am more or less a workaholic person and I enjoy doing work. However, at this point of time in my life, I have realized that it is better to spend a lot of time with something that I really enjoy a lot. I found some movies and Korean TV serial that I watched a lot for the last few months. It has really helped a lot. It has helped me to get free from some of the stress and brought a lot of freshness in my mind.
Talk to yourself: I did not know what kind of person you are but I like to talk to myself a lot. Talking to myself has helped a lot and every day, I tell myself that sooner or later I will be back to full time working. At the same time, I constantly remind myself that I must not put any kind of stress on my nerve.
Always be optimistic: Positive energy can really make a difference in your life. When I feel bad or pessimistic then I try to remind myself that just compared to one year ago, my condition has improved significantly. Last year during this time, on every night, I could not sleep and had to stay awake until noon. I could not do any work and I did not have any kind of physical energy or mentally strength. Compared to the same time last year, my condition has improved a lot. If this trend continues then in the same time next year, it will be much better. This kind of optimism really brings a lot of hope in my mind about the future. I’m still young and energetic. So, my advice for you is that in any case, keep your dream and positive energy intact. You really need them at this crucial moment in life.
Failure is a part of Life: This is a very important lesson that I have learned in the last 20 years. Yes, I have failed a lot and most probably 90% of the time, I could not become successful in anything. Failure is not only a part of life but also it has helped me to learn and grow. For example, five years ago, I started trying for Blogging in Internet and at that time my financial condition was very bad and miserable. I tried my best and unfortunately, I poured a lot of stress on my mind and health and my health collapsed. Thus, although in a short time, I achieved tremendous among of success in professional Blogging at a very short period of time, I could not sustain the success and became seriously ill. This time, I have learned my lesson from the previous failure and I want to grow gradually.
Final Words: In conclusion, I hope that the tips I gave you in this entry will be helpful for you. Even if you find nothing useful still, I want you to think about this matter and you must not put any pressure on your mind when you are making a comeback to fulltime work after a long absence.
Great advice Razib! Definitely all good things that I need to live by and remember when I eventually manage to start coming back to work again.