Sunday, September 01, 2024

2-Minute Rule: It can be helpful


I have been trying to get back to writing for many days now but  I have struggled a lot. Now, I am thinking of using the 2-minute rule to help me with writing. The basic idea is very simple, I will just write for 2 minutes each time. Then take a break and again write for 2 minutes. Anyone can focus on something for 2 minutes. It is not a big deal but will it work? I want to give it a shot. For two minutes, I will forget everything and just try to write or type.

Sounds Simple

It really sounds very simple. Who cannot do it? You just need to think of doing something for two minutes. I want to give it a shot from today and I will test for myself if it works or not. I am hopeful that it will work. There are both pros and cons. But the actual process is really simple. Sit down and write for two minutes. I will not think of quality or even quantity but just try to write for 120 seconds.


First of all, it is very easy. Anyone can do it anytime. I just need to focus only for 2 minutes- it is really easy. What I need is to give a conscious effort. I do not need to worry about success or failure. The only thing that I have to do is to try for such a short period of time. Then, I can take a break. If I can do for just one or times each hour, then I will be able to write for 20-40 minutes each day. If I can write for 1 hour this way, then it will be simply great.

You see when we lose our way in work then we cannot perform the most simple or basic tasks. We do not lose the skill but we lose the habit of trying. I know that I can write but when I lost the habit of writing long posts then writing just 200 words become very difficul for me everyday. Now, I want to get back to my writing because in my life, I always wanted to be a writer. For this, I am not testing the two-minute rule. If I can do it then slowly I will move forward to 5-minute rule or even 10 minute rule.

I am writing this post with the help of 2-minute rule. I hope that I can apply this rule everyday in my works. Not only in writing but in many areas of my life. This is really very easy. I also have noticed now that my typing speed has not decreaed because I can totally focus. I have nothing else to do for 2-minutes but just to type. I can think even faster because I know that now I will not do anything else.


The main challenge is remaining conscious. It is very easy to forget that you have to come back and do something again. This is only negative aspect of this rule according to my own experience. So, I am going to make it as  a part of my habit. Another problem is that I don’t feel confidence while trying. My mind is telling me constantly about whether it is a good idea or not.

It works

Yes, it work. I have been writing this post following the rule and I can find that I have written a blog post within a very short time. For writing each paragraph, I just spent 2 minutes and then took a short break. Thus, I did not become tired but I kept on writing. This is great. Well, a blog post is not a big deal but for me, it is something.

630 words in 14 minuts

Yes, I have spent only 14 minutes and I have been able to type 630 minuts in this post. So, I worked for 2 minutes each for 7 times. So, if I just write 25 minutes of time this way then it is possible to type almost 1 thouand words or at least 800 words which is enough for a blog post. It will not always work this way but the more I try, it will become my habit. I need to make this habit. I got addicted to writing in Facebook and lost the skill of writing long posts.

I have realized that it is not very difficult if you can just kept on telling yourself that you want do it. It is easy and possible. The only problem is that we do not feel the urge to try it every hour. If you can do it every hour for a few times then you will shine. There is no doubt about that. I am hopeful that from now, I will try my best. It is really very easy. Finally, I feel that I have found a winning formula.


Yes, finally, I am very happy that I have been able to write a blog post of nearly 900 words. It is not great but I have done it and it did not take a lot of time. It has taken only 20 minutes of trying or 10 units of 2-minute time. I have been able to do it and even if it takes 40 minutes it is not a probem at all. Within one hour, I can write an article of 1 thousand words.

I really feel that I have got my winning formula in work. I wish that I have tried it earlier. I can do it, anyone can do it actually. We can surely, do something for two minute. Who cannot do it? So, from now, I will do it every day in almost every work. I hope that you can follow this tip and try for yourself. This 2-minute rule is helpful for doing small tasks like cleaning your desk or room or writing an email etc.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

What if I become Successful?

I wanted to be a writer but I lost my way in life for the last almost 13 years. Now, I am writing here again after 13 years. There is no reader for my posts. Not even 10 persons are reading now. It is obvious because I neglected my writing for many years here. I don’t have any motiviation to try because I do not have any reader base here. Then, today, suddenly, a thought occurred to me- what if I become successful? What will happen then?

Imagine that I become successful and 100,000 thousand people start reading my posts and articles or watch my videos. Can it really happen or is it just my wishful thinking? It surely can happen or may be not. I do not know. All I know is that if I keep on trying then it is possible that everyday a few thousand people will read my posts. And it is really possible that every day, at least 1000 persons will read my posts.

What if really 100K people read my articles or posts every day? Out of them, 1000 people cared to write comments, discuss about my ideas. 5-10 thousand people feel that they have been benefited from my writing.

Today, only 10-20 or 100 persons are going to read this post but if I become successful in future then 5-10 thousand people will read it and some of them will comment here. They will feel surprised to find that this post does not have a single comment. I experienced this in Facebook. Many posts of mine written in 2014 do not have a single comment but now when I share then many people visit and react and comment in these posts.

Having imagined such an idea, I feel better now and I feel motivated. I know that in future, at least 1000 people are going to read this post or even more if I can become successful. It will be a part of my history. Some people will want to know about my journey towards success. If you want to become successful, you have to work out with your mind set. You need to patient and forget shot cut mentality.

There is a lot of advice online about how to be successful but the most imporat thing is to work regularly. For example, I know that hardly anyone will read this post now and this idea takes away all the mental energy to try to write a long post. I have read a lot listened to many videos about the habits of successful people. They keep on going, keep on trying in difficult circumstances. This is their main secret behind success.

When I started writing this post, I did not have any mental energy because I khew that not even 10 persons would read it now. But then, I said to myself, what if I become successful and at least 1K people read it? So, I tried to write a post of 500 words and now, I feel some better.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

100 Followers in this Blog


Today, I noticed that this blog has 104 followers. I did not update the blog but most of them have not stopped following it. I feel some bad now about it. If I have spent just 10-20 minutes a week I could have updated the blog at least once a week and the followers would have got something to read.

I am not going to make a the same mistake again. I will keep on writing here from now on. If I just spend 5 minutues a day, I can write a good post every week. It is really possible. This is my personal blog and I will not lose the personal touch here anymore.

I don’t care about Google indexing my posts or if many people would read it or not. I just want to share my personal ideas and I just want to write. So, I am going to write and I will try to write one post every week. I like to thank all the followers of this blog. You liked the blog and decided to follow it. Thanks a lot for it.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Lost the Personal Touch in Blogging


This was my personal blog. It was like a  journal for me and I used to express my personal ideas, thoughts. It did not attract many readers but some people used to read and a few of them used to write comments from time to time. I enjoyed writing here but I fell into many problems in my life and then stopped writing here. Now, I regret it a lot simply because I had nothing to lose but every thing to gain from writing here. I wish that I had done it. It would not have taken more than 5 minutes of time to write a blog post of 100 words.

I could have written 200 words within 10 minutes. Yes, that is why, I regret now a lot. I did not need to write every day but just one post a week was not a big deal.

Now, it is not the time for blogging I guess but it is the time for Social Media sites like Facebook Twitter and Tiktok etc. No problem, I will start writing here again. It does not matter if others write comments or not. Some people surely will come and read. I do not want to regret again. I just want to write again from my heart. I do not want to lose the personal touch. I just want to write from time to time. May be once a week or twice a week but I want to write.

Monday, July 26, 2021

How to fight against Failures?


We simply hate to fail. All of us but I have realized from my long list of failures in life that it is not so bad after all. If you can keep on trying then you learn from it and it becomes a part of your experience. I know that it is very easy to give such advice. Well, if you read some posts of this blog then you will notice that I have suffered a lot in my own life.

So, I am not giving mere advice to you. There is no easy way to deal with failures. More than any other profession, writers have to go through it. Just take a look at the life of J. K. Rowling. She has now 14 million followers in her Twitter account. She is perhaps a billionaire too.

Alex Haley Struggles

Alex Haley experienced many struggles during his writing carrer.after leaving the coast guard Alex set out to be a freelance writer. although he published many articles during that time the pay was barley enough to make ends meet.he will work for 16-hours a day making 2,000 dollars a year surviving on nothing but canned sardines weeks at a time.

So, every successful writer has to pass through many failures. How do they accept it? They just enjoy their work, their writing. I was once a successful blogger. Now, many people read my posts in Facebook. In fact, if I share this link then there will be at least 100 comments in this post.

However, I am struggling here as hardly anyone will read my posts.